Real Estate Technology Ressources

Written by Axel Geist
on May 25, 2021

Der Immobilien-Investmentmanager HIH Real Estate rollt die Lösungen des Technologieunternehmens Tower360 für sein gesamtes Portfolio aus. Dafür wurde jetzt nach einer Testphase ein Mehrjahres-Lizenzvertrag abgeschlossen. Tower360 hat Prozesse im Vermietungs- und Asset-Management digitalisiert und vereinfacht somit die Abstimmungen mit beteiligten Fachabteilungen wie dem Property-Management, der Rechtsabteilung und externen Dienstleistern. Mit der Lösung können u.a. Mietanträge digital erfasst und Verträge automatisch in einem Mietvertragsgenerator erstellt werden. 


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By consolidating all necessary information into a single system, we have eliminated the need to search for approval sheets or track deal updates, resulting in a significant savings of valuable working hours. As a result, our leasing process is now highly standardized, efficient, and able to withstand audits.


What motivated Ampega Asset Management to revamp their leasing and asset management strategy?

5 hours productivity gains per week

AAM managed their leasing process on a self-developed legacy system that only covered a portion of the leasing process, while their tenant and deal data was dispersed across multiple locations and formats. However, with a growing leasing portfolio of over 1 million square meters of office space, the team recognized the need to centralize and standardize this information. TOWER360 proved to be the ideal solution to meet this requirement.

5 hours productivity gains per week

AAM managed their leasing process on a self-developed legacy system that only covered a portion of the leasing process, while their tenant and deal data was dispersed across multiple locations and formats. However, with a growing leasing portfolio of over 1 million square meters of office space, the team recognized the need to centralize and standardize this information. TOWER360 proved to be the ideal solution to meet this requirement.

5 hours productivity gains per week

AAM managed their leasing process on a self-developed legacy system that only covered a portion of the leasing process, while their tenant and deal data was dispersed across multiple locations and formats. However, with a growing leasing portfolio of over 1 million square meters of office space, the team recognized the need to centralize and standardize this information. TOWER360 proved to be the ideal solution to meet this requirement.


What motivated Ampega Asset Management to revamp their leasing and asset management strategy?

5 hours productivity gains per week

AAM managed their leasing process on a self-developed legacy system that only covered a portion of the leasing process, while their tenant and deal data was dispersed across multiple locations and formats. However, with a growing leasing portfolio of over 1 million square meters of office space, the team recognized the need to centralize and standardize this information. TOWER360 proved to be the ideal solution to meet this requirement.

5 hours productivity gains per week

AAM managed their leasing process on a self-developed legacy system that only covered a portion of the leasing process, while their tenant and deal data was dispersed across multiple locations and formats. However, with a growing leasing portfolio of over 1 million square meters of office space, the team recognized the need to centralize and standardize this information. TOWER360 proved to be the ideal solution to meet this requirement.

5 hours productivity gains per week

AAM managed their leasing process on a self-developed legacy system that only covered a portion of the leasing process, while their tenant and deal data was dispersed across multiple locations and formats. However, with a growing leasing portfolio of over 1 million square meters of office space, the team recognized the need to centralize and standardize this information. TOWER360 proved to be the ideal solution to meet this requirement.


By consolidating all necessary information into a single system, we have eliminated the need to search for approval sheets or track deal updates, resulting in a significant savings of valuable working hours. As a result, our leasing process is now highly standardized, efficient, and able to withstand audits.

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